Underrepresented & underserved.
The Spirits Industry does not currently reflect the consumers it serves. Black Americans are underrepresented in the spirits industry. This discrepancy in representation led to Pronghorn, which is dedicated to cultivating the next generation of Black founders, executive leaders, and entrepreneurs in the spirits industry.
Diversify the spirits industry.
Diversify the spirits industry by investing in Black executives and entrepreneurs in a sustainable and scalable way by 2032. Pronghorn is taking a modern, disruptive approach to diversify the total spirits industry ecosystem.
Modern, disruptive approach.
These powerful words describing this collective force were the jumping off point for the creation of the Pronghorn aesthetic, characterized by the singular pronghorn icon that highlights the animal’s horns—a feature of the pronghorn that makes it one-of-a-kind.

This is a marathon, not a sprint.

An impressive pace.
Pronghorn are one of North America’s most impressive mammals. Not only do pronghorns have the longest land migration in the continental United States, they also are the fastest land animal in North America. Pronghorn can run at speeds close to 60 miles an hour. Although pronghorn are not as fast as cheetahs, they can maintain a fast speed for a longer period of time than cheetahs.
A unique design.
Just as the company’s mission is bold and powerful, so, too, is the bold, distinctive red of the logo, characterized by the singular pronghorn icon that highlights the animal’s horns—a feature of the pronghorn that makes it one-of-a-kind. Clear, confident fonts, paired with editorial, almost raw photography exemplify the determination and fearlessness of this brand.